Meyer Family Missionaries to the Philippines Year End Newsletter for 2015
This Missionary Letter is going to be a reflection of our 2015 ministry. God has been blessing and we have been learning much as a family.
May We began our journey as the opening missionary family at the Mission’s conference at our sending church; Bible Way Baptist church. We decided to start part-time deputation in the New England area and then work towards full-time deputation throughout out the United States, as God leads.
June We were also excited about presenting our ministry and calling to the Philippines at Faith Bible Baptist Church in Clinton Massachusetts. God blessed by them taking us on and becoming our 1st for supporting church. Connie was later asked to come back and be the guest speaker for the ladies meeting.
The Children enjoy singing
July We praised God daily for His blessings! We are very excited to be busy in our ministry and making connections. God provided us opportunity to attend Pastor Gary Corbin’s Tent Meeting again in the Boston Commons, Boston Massachusetts. It was an honor to attend and for Dan to preach again, especially because it was the 30th Anniversary for the tent meeting. We went to Howland Baptist Church in Maine twice, once to present our ministry at the Revival meeting and once when Dan was one of the guest preachers at the Youth Conference. We were very encouraged by this and looked forward to preaching to the youth. We spent July 4th with our sending church, Bible Way Baptist and Dan preached under the tent.
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER: We were excited about attending Missions Conferences, door knocking; we were encouraged by sharing our ministry and making contacts.
OCTOBER: We were very excited making connections with churches that want to have us come and share our ministry and calling to the Philippines; our calendar is full for the rest of the year. We were asked to attend churches, door knocking and Missions Conferences; right up to the days before we left for our survey trip. Though we have had some struggles God is good and we are blessed by His faithfulness.
NOVEMBER: Our survey trip to the Philippines from Nov. 3-23 was more than we had anticipated it to be. We were honored to be the guest missionary family at a missions conference, we were in 18 churches, 2 Christian schools, 2 Bible schools, 1 rehabilitation center, we witnessed (first hand) 25 professions of salvation, attended 1 funeral (8 yr. old girl) but knew of 5 deaths just while we visited, 6 desiring to attend a new Bible study, 2 young men surrendered to ministry, 1 young lady surrendered to the mission field, 1 invitation to sponsor a marriage and 1 church offered to support us when we arrive in the Philippines.
Dan had the opportunity to preach to between 300-400 Police/Military trainees. It was amazing and overwhelming; we couldn’t even fit them all in the photo. Praise God!
We attended an eight year old girl’s funeral and Dan was asked to preach. Connie got to talk with the mother, talk about the Lord and comforted her while she cried. The family thanked us for coming and for Dan preaching. Very sad to attend, but was one of the 5 deaths while we were there. Another was the neighbor of where we stayed; this is her being put in the hearse. One pastor’s mother died days after we met her at this mountain church service outdoors.
We did a lot of evangelism in the streets and parks. We visited Christian schools and a Bible school where Dan preached, both of us shared the gospel and many got saved. We both taught large/small Bible studies. The Bajau people live in filth and in over population on the beach, but we got to hand out tracts, share the gospel, give them flip flops and Dan preached to them.
This is a roadside gas station: Us in Josefina, Zamboanga Del Sur. The sidecar we traveled in while we were staying in the mountains
We met John Mark a cripple who loves the Lord. We got to spend the day with orphaned Muslim children at an event against child abuse. Brownout preaching. Tract Distribution.
December We returned to from the Philippines and attended Mission’s Conferences, meetings, ministry and we enjoyed spending time at our sending church.
2015 has been an amazing year and we’re anxious to see what God has in store for 2016; as we are seeing Precious Souls Saved.