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Dispensations of God: Age of Innocence

Edited Image 2015-3-31-19:13:53

While we are dispensationalists we know and believe that Bible always teaches that salvation has always been by grace (Eph 2:8-9). To further make this known we see that Noah clearly finds grace from God in Gen 6:8. Each age or dispensation teaches the believer that God has a particular economy in which he is operating. So now, in this 1st dispensation the Age of Innocence we see the following aspects of how The Lord Almighty is operating;

1. He places man in the garden and gives him responsibilities

2. Man fails in his ability to be obedient and thus the word of God is altered

3. Man’s failure results in a judgment

4. God comes down and provides a threefold aspect of salvation:

a. A promise

b. A sacrifice

c. A covering

5. As result of sin man is exiled from the garden and thus age of Innocence has ended resulting in the start of another dispensation

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